Monday, September 27, 2010

Happines Is A Clean Fridge~Inside and Out

I actually despise this fridge. It is nearly impossible to keep clean, no matter how much I scrub it. I had hoped the darn thing would die but alas, after 16 years, it seems to be working fine. I'd love a wider version and an entirely different set up. The freezer compartment is a joke, very "slim" and hard to reach anything. I do have it stuffed to the gills, but that's beside the point.

My pet peeve is having my fridge covered with papers and magnets, at least the front of it. I know it is a very popular spot for art work, reminders, etc. but it makes my already small kitchen feel even tinier when the fridge is covered. This summer I created an actual message board that I think is pretty darn cool. I post "notes to self" as well as leal plan, school lunch menus, to-do's, grocery lists, invitations, and about anything else that we needs to be kept track of. It hangs on the wall nearest the kitchen. I think Chad thought I was insane when I brought it home and asked him to hang it up ("You want this where?")  but it's proved to be a perfect place and now the kids are even using it too! Way cool! And yes, there is one picture of the kids. Just one. Its from last Christmas and I loved the memories that it reminds me of. It makes me happy to walk in and see their smiling, non-fighting faces.

White has never been a favorite color so I am thinking of painting it. I think a copper would look really cook in my kitchen so I'll be researching to see what the steps are. Since it hasn't died yet, I'll give it a go. Has anyone tried painting a fridge? If so, I'd love to hear about your experince. I'm going to paint the hood above my stove too. I figure if I can paint a `67 Forester camp trailer, surely I can paint this ugly beast!

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