Friday, July 9, 2010

Peppers n corn

I'm glad I've worked diligently the last month to mulch and weed. Today I am totally unmotivated, I am resting on my laurels, taking a break to take it all in. Its been a busy two months and this week, it caught up with me.

I'll not have the luxury of sitting back this weekend though. We have baseball games tonight and tomorrow and a Jr. Rodeo on Sunday. I have a NAJPA article begging to be written and a fabulous book to shape. I could begin ki readings as well as countless other to-dos that have been on my desk for days now! But, its summer time and I'm really starting to figure that out (so I'm not the sharpest needle in the basket!)

I savor being able to kick back and relax in the summer. I just forget from time to time that I AM THE ONE who has to DO IT!

I have grand ideas of golfing every morning next week; I may just pull it off to, the boys will be in sports camp and it is half way there so *sigh* I might as well just not go home, right?! That's my awesome excuse anyway.

The garden is coming along, perhaps its too early to say for sure but things look healthy, green and growing. I picked five Early Girl cherry tomatoes today but with BS around, they didn't stick around for a picture. I see blossoms on several and a few green orbs so I'm hoping the 'maters take off soon.

I'm sure this "lazy streak" will pass soon, perhpas in time for canning season which is just around the corner. I do look forward to it, though it is hard work. I'm out of my t. soup (red gold) and so that is motivation enough to get after it.

I see its nearly 4:30! I better hit the shower and get my game face on. Go Mayville!

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