Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer Sand

Wednesday is "Summer Reading Day" at one of my local favorite hangouts...MPS Library! The kids and I love it and frequent the location often (local MPS kids, join me there and bring your art journals! I know this means that you have to roll your sleepy heads out of bed but DO IT! We'll have fun!)

This week, our sweet friend Mrs. Covey "gifted" us with colored sand, which delighted the troops! Ooooh they said with delighted smiles,"When we can do THIS?" In my head the answer sounded something like, "NEVER"! I know, I know that's rotten and awful. I've spent the last how many &*$% weeks cleaning this pit of a house...and you wanna do something with sand? NOOOOOOOO

With three eager (and highly creative beings) how could I resist? The old cleaning grump in me has been "won over". Mainly because I can't right now muster the motivation it will take to reclaim a scary basement (Lucy, Jax was SPOT ON!) heehee

So after having completed a few necessary to-d0's, laundry, food prep, clean-up, scheduling, client calls, class prep, etc. I'm bowing to the creative muse and about to dump sand into jelly jars!

We live too far from any hobby lobby to go shopping for pretty glass bottles. Though I think the hour glass/timer idea was simply grand we do have to be cre8tive and practical and that means using what we have right here.

I'll post pics of the final masterpieces! And for those of you that are reading this and silently thinking, "Wow, she's gotten over the whole 'don't make a mess thing!' I just want you to know, we're going OUTSIDE!!!! Remember I'm the mom that thought finger painting should be banned (unless it is with someone else besides ME!)

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