Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bargin Find!

While ambling along in a certain mall store, I found this most adorable hat!
I had promised a certain child that if she was really good at the dentist that I would buy her new earrings. Normally I don't "bribe" my children in this way but this situation called for it. We needed her to sit still and not wiggle or else the procedure would require surgery, a MUCH more expensive option.

Though I did my best to hurry her along, she dodged me and headed to the back of the store to snoop around. That is when my little eye spied this treasure! It was like at first sight and I began seeing a knitted purple, olive and gold scarf to match!

I sent this picture to my boys who are in Deadwood SD having fun on the rodeo trail! Would you like to know what their response was? They asked me how I liked living in Sherwood Forest? Yeah, that's what I get for showing my uber-cool hat to a bunch of cowboys! It's a good thing I am confident and secure in my creative, fashion vistas!
I'm ready to grab my needles and yarn and whip a scarf and pair of mittens right now. I absolutely DISLIKE winter and cold but I do love wearing hats; I'll look forward to wearing this one.

There was a time that I would have bought it but never wore it. It could be age, it could be that I follow my heart and go with what I love or it could be that I am more willing to take risks to see what IS around the corner. Heck, maybe I'm up for a good laugh more than I used to be! Laugh away boys.......... I'm wearing this hat!!!!


  1. Your sartorial flair is inspiring, and the look is breathtaking...

  2. Thank you, thank you! I appreciate the sweet comments ;-) Ya'll made my day! In fact, I'm so brave I am thinking about wearing it to Chad's rodeo tomorrow...........well, maybe not THAT brave! hahahah

  3. Love the hat, soooo you <3
