Green living and living off grid has certainly become more vogue in the past couple of years. Thanks to the economy, many people are either waking up to or returning to their roots of self-sufficiency. Way back before Wal-Mart and fast food joints, life and living were very different from today. I am not complaining, without technology I wouldn’t be sharing in this way nor would I be connected to many of the wonderful people in my life. Technology has its place, however, my creative abilities feel compromised when buying an item that I know I could make or produce on my own. The pull for self-sufficiency within my being started long before I was aware of it; that urge has been building in intensity for years now and it becoming more and more of a realty for me. I find myself meeting up with others who have similar interests, values and visions, which is a breath of fresh air. I have many plans for the future and at this moment, I am not living exactly the way I want to but each day is a step closer.
My goals for this summer were to get a dairy goat, which would provide fresh milk, as well as substance for cheese, yogurt and soap, all of which I want to learn to make. In addition, I’ve wanted to dine on farm fresh eggs since I’ve moved to this location 8 years ago. I am determined this is going to be the year it happens. Still not sure how since I don’t have shelter (yet) for my laying hens but August is the deadline and I am confident it will happen. Long terms goals are buying wheat, and other grains, a grinder and making homemade bread, installing solar panels, reducing electricity, putting up a real clothesline (instead of using the deck railing) starting a compost pile, planting a fall garden, building a green house and learning to sew.
Whew. Lofty goals yes, and I get closer each day! Today was one of those treasures for me. I met a wonderful friend, Elizabeth and her sweet family. Liz and her family pretty much live “off grid. Goats provide their dairy needs, as well as butter, cheese, yogurt and soap. They grow an enormous garden, have beef cattle, chickens, and horses. I was truly in heaven here on this busy homestead and clearly reminded of my roots, deep ancestral knowledge that was being activated and reawakened. (It started with canning last year, and has only gotten stronger!!)
I feel I have many lessons to learn from these wonderful beings. They are smart, efficient, frugal, patient, hard working and genuine. My kind of folks for sure! I feel very blessed today because I know that I am headed in the right direction and I now have willing and supportive teachers living very close to me. It is amazing who we meet on this journey of life!
Today as I prepare to carry out my week’s plans, something is stirring deep within; a recognition for the vision that is carried within my being. This is a homecoming, a returning to the roots of previous generations. I open to this knowledge. I am a willing student~
I've spent many blessed hours grinding my own wheat and making breads and rolls...if I can help stimulate this wonderful gift let me know - blessings Nancy F